Tuesday, February 24, 2009

3 Quick Steps to Promote Affiliate Programs and Earn Bucket Loads of Affiliate Program Commissions

Internet businesses are on the rise. Year after year, millions flood to into the online scene and to say that the internet is an expanding market is a huge understatement.

And that's a great thing. Because it only means that for people like you and I who run business online have an ever increasing market to sell to.

For this reason, there are many people who are eager to start their own businesses online. However, for many of them, they don't know where or how to start.

There are just so many opportunities and options on the Net that it causes people to be just paralysed by the sheer overwhelming range of possibilities.

One of the quickest way to start making money online is by earning affiliate program commissions through good old affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is about selling other people's products and services online and getting a cut of the sale for your efforts.

The great thing about affiliate marketing is the fact that you don't need to create your own product or offer your own service to make money online.

There is no upfront investment of time or money in order to get involved.

Think about it. If you were to get involved with an network marketing opportunity, you'll first have to buy into their products and business system before you can get started. You would have to cough up money upfront.

If you were to sell your own product online. You would have to invest hours upon hours creating and package it in the first place. That's tons of time that you have to cough up upfront.

But for affiliate marketing? You can get started right away! Without spending a single cent or second before doing so!

Of course, in order to promote an affiliate program and make sales, you do have to invest either time or money or both for you to start making sales and earning money.

Here's 3 quick steps to help you make cool affiliate program commissions right away:

1. Choose A Profitable Affiliate Program To Promote

You can go to an affiliate program directory such as www.associateprograms.com/directory and browse through what is listed there. There are thousands of affiliate programs listed there for all sort of products and services in all sort of niches from real estate, to gardening, to home entertainment.

2. Create An Attractive Landing Page Or Squeeze Page For The Affiliate Program

Many people who try affiliate marketing promote affiliate programs by driving traffic directly to the merchants' websites. While this is may appear to be the fastest and easiest way to do promote affiliate programs, it is far from the best. I realized that when I link directly to the merchant's site, my conversions are much lower than when I use a landing page to presell the affiliate program. And if you really want to optimize your marketing efforts, use a squeeze page instead.

3. Drive Traffic To Your Landing Page Or Squeeze Page

Choose one method of traffic generation and use it to drive as much traffic as you can to your landing page or squeeze page. There are dozens of strategies and approaches that you can use when it comes to traffic generation. Some of them like pay per click advertising and ezine advertising will require you to spend money upfront in order for you to get traffic to your webpage. However, if you don't want to spend money on promotion, you can stick to free traffic generation methods such as article marketing, forum marketing, and marketing through social networking platforms such as Facebook. Just choose one, and work at it until you start getting the traffic.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patrick_Loh

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested in this affiliate program
    I've heard many people successfully gain high income from this program
    Will definitely join one and try your tips

